2017 Awards
2017 White Ribbon Day
Being “White Ribbon Day” the team is working through “How would you like to be remembered?” They will discuss all the negatives and “mean” words, slowly removing them from their boards - then replacing them with the positive. The Respectful Relationships program being run across the school will also reinforce the message: “Violence is never ok!” Stay tunes and i will post the photos of the final products of today's work. Well done senior team!
2017 Disco
2017 Production
Footy Day 2017
Book Character Day 2017
Flag Raising
Student Led Conferences
Good Morning
Semester 2 School Captains
2017 Superhero Day
2017 Cross Country
Harmony Day Tasting Plates
Harmony day where people celebrate their culture, or dress in orange to celebrate our support for cultural diversity.